(TCSI): The Telecommunications Commission of Solomon Islands (TCSI) launched its pdf 2020 Annual Report (9.17 MB) , revealing the official state of the national telecommunications sector said Interim Commissioner Calvin Ziru when he launched the 2020 Annual Report yesterday at the Breakfast Launch event in Heritage Park Hotel, in front of the higher echelon of executives in the telecommunications industry in Solomon Islands.

The new-look Annual Report is the first test of recently appointed Interim Commissioner, Mr Calvin Ziru, and sets the aesthetic standard for his appointment, representing the desire to present a more visually engaging document, with slicker presentation of technical information.

The Launch was attended by telecommunications stakeholders, including Government Officials from the Ministry of Aviation and Communication, the Office of the Prime Minister, the Attorney General’s Chambers, and Senior Executives and Board Members of the Service Providers.

When asked what was different in the Report, Mr Ziru said that everything was different.

“We wanted it to be something we would be proud to distribute from a visual point of view. But we also wanted the information in it, especially the data and the analysis to make sense to our ordinary readers. They should see it and understand it without any technical explanation” said Mr Ziru in an interview after the launch.

Clearly, this has been achieved by the Report, as it flows swiftly from page to page, with professionally designed document, complete with infographics and a pleasant color tone. And the response from the invited guests proved that the objective was achieved.

Invited Guests in attendance at the Breakfast launch at Heritage Park Hotel

“This is a very well put together Report, and we congratulate the Commissioner and his team for putting it together” said Keir Preedy, CEO of the Solomon Islands Submarine Cable Company Ltd.

“We are very happy with the Report. I think it is a fair representation of the market, and for us it illustrates what we have always been saying about how the prices have dropped and how much more data is available since the launch of the submarine cable”, he said. Keir Preedy delivered the Vote of Thanks on behalf of the service providers.

Keir Preedy, CEO of the Solomon Islands Submarine Cable Company, delivering the Vote of Thanks at the launch

The Telecommunications Commission Solomon Islands is an independent authority, charged with the mandate of managing the telecommunications sector in Solomon Islands. All information on the status of the sector can be obtained from TCSI.

The Commission is also responsible for managing Solomon Island’s radio-frequency spectrum resource, and to safeguard competition and the interests of consumers. Although established by an Act of Parliament, the Commission is independently financed through service licence fees paid to it by telecommunications operators and service providers.

Download the 2020 Annual Report